Saturday, 31 May 2014

A boon called PAIN

Life pierced me like a knife, it started an internal rife

I tried like a boxer to cover my face
It only sabotaged my ribs with double the pace
Patience was oozing out of my body
Like blood from a person who was hit very badly

Life was giving me toughest of times
I wished I worked in a place full of mines

It was being hasty, hard and gave me hiccups
I felt it was as nasty as punishing a lad with 1000 sit ups

People are out of their minds, world is out of its way
Oh god please be some kind was what I’d pray

Pain was acute, heart was broken
I began to wonder where did I blunder

Pain was scintillating, pain was rebellious
It was the force that kept me going like a rhinoceros

I gathered all my pain and stored in a safe
It lit me up whenever I was lacking pace

But during these gloomy days, it was pain 
Which I thought would not go in vain

Pain was like moon in the sky
Which was seldom exposed neither made me cry

Pain does give you tough times
But believe me, it is the reason behind your best of times.